• Phone

    0216 577 4655

We serve mainly in two ways.

a. Execution of insurance consulting and insurance operations,

b. Your insurance offers special advice and offers to your policies

A- Execution of insurance consulting and insurance operations,

1- Perform risk analysis

2- Designing special products according to the results of Risk Analysis

3- Comparative market research covering at least three insurance companies

4- Including our companys special terms and reports in the presentation of the proposals

* After the proposals are approved by the customer;

1- Investigation of risks by special expert,

2- Write Risk Prevention Analysis reports,

3- Preparation of special reports to be able to resolve the customer in the most accurate way when it is damaged (Damage procedure),

4- Filing of policies according to index order,

5- You can reach the customer representative and the company authorities via mobile phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

6- In case the relevant company is deemed appropriate by the Client Channel, our assigned personnel will follow up the betting transactions simultaneously and undertake the entire workflow.

* When damage occurs;

1- Damage must be reported first to our company. The damage file is opened and the customer is informed about the necessary damage documents. In this condition, we start operations according to our damage procedure

2- If the customer is already familiar with the damage procedure, he will prepare the necessary documentation but be informed accordingly

3- When the shape of the damage and the amount of damage are determined ;

* Expert Appointment (Specialist insurance experts will be sent in accordance with our special agreements with insurance companies.)

* Damage Application by Documents (We provide damage payments by using only necessary documents when damaged up to 1500 TL.)

1- After all necessary documents and documents have been completed, the damage file is sent to the insurance company

2- In accordance with our agreements with insurance companies, damage payment is made within the agreed time.


* If there is a dispute with the insurance company, we have a private legal counseling service

The following reports are prepared and notified to the customer ;

1- Damage Premium Report

2- Insurance Policy Reports

3- Payment Lists

4- Risk Prevention Reports

B- Special Consultation Service for your insurance

* Service is provided under the same conditions.

1- Making Risk Analyzes

2- Designing special products according to the results of Risk Analysis

3- Comparative market research covering at least three insurance companies

4- Including our companys special terms and reports in the presentation of the proposals

5- Submission of detailed analysis of insurance coverage and premium amounts of your existing policies

6- Submitting our expanding offer of coverage

* In addition to these services ;

* Damage Counseling Service

* Consultancy services are provided to ensure that Damage Tracing can be performed in the most appropriate manner. In case of disagreement with the insurance company, our private legal counseling company is used

* Other Consulting Services ;

* Informing Health and Life insurers about tax benefit,